"Here you will find all the steps you need to follow to use our bot effectively, from setting up the channel to deposits, withdrawals, and the use of different commands."
"To register and affiliate with the bot, you only need to use the registration command available in any channel. Make sure to include your Hive username to complete the process correctly."
"With this command, you can check the information of your profile."
/deposit info:
"With this command, you can obtain the necessary information and transfer tokens within the system, sending them to the Hive account: 'mundobot'."
/deposit money
"Use this command to register your deposit. You must attach an image of your transfer (mandatory) and then provide the amount and the name of the token you are depositing. Remember to use only registered tokens."
"Remember to save a receipt as an image."
"Use this command to create an airdrop for all participants who join using the button. First, specify the amount, followed by the token name, and finally, indicate the duration using the format: m for minutes, h for hours, and d for days. At the end of the designated time, the tokens will be distributed among all participants."
"You must add amount, token name, and duration."
"With this command, you can check the balance of all tokens you have deposited or earned in airdrops conducted by the community in general. It's important to note that your balance will be the same regardless of the server you are in."
"Use this command to make a withdrawal. First, you will be asked to enter the amount you wish to withdraw, followed by the name of the token you want to withdraw. Please note that a 5% commission will be applied to all withdrawals."
"You must enter the amount and the token name."
Last updated